Monday, June 30, 2008


Sunday morning I saw bambi for the first time. I knew she was out there somewhere but this was the first sighting. We watched mother walk by the window on her way to picking up her fawn and heading back with her. She was browsing a little on goodness knows what. Believe you me there isn't much out there to eat.
I think that was one of the reasons I decided to remove the bean trellis today. It really needed doing as the Kentucky Wonder beans had really finished and I just didn't want to have to deal with a mess of dead leaves all over the place. We decided to take out the whole structure to make things easy and relocate it to the septic field. It looked like mini Christmas tree.

Well, it wasn't long before the first deer showed up for a little browse. 
Then another one showed up and they began what I believe is the salt lick. I know when I have been working outside the dog loves to lick the salt on my legs so I am assuming that deer also do the same. Or it may just be grooming.

So after  little bit of cleanup the old bean patch is ready for another crop. I am thinking that maybe I will just put in some more cantaloupe seeds and let them sprawl over the gravel along with the others. I don't think it is too late. Will check on that today.

The big news is that last night we had 1 1/2" of rain. This morning the garden had that wonderful fresh scent that, even in Texas, we get after a rainfall. There was a strong perfume of Salvia clevelendii on the air. I love this fragrance that comes after rain even though I haven't quite mastered how to keep the bush from falling over. I don't think the conditions are quite right for it.

Of course another thing that always show up with the rain are the fire ants. Just when you think you don't have them you do.

Here they are piling soil up the stalk of my eggplant. I'll bet there are eggs in there if I knock the soil off. I wish they would just go back down into the soil and hide again.


  1. I'm glad somebody got some rain. I was watching the radar and the storms looked good to the north and west of Austin. But downtown is a heat sink and we received only a few drops...not even enough to wet down the driveway or penetrate the mulch.

    I've noticed a lot more critters around the pond looking for water and food in these hard times for all.

  2. I love your vegetable garden, especially how you've put stepping stones in the paths. I might copy you and do the same in my raised bed garden this summer or fall.

    How thoughtful to put the bean plants out in the septic field for the deer, instead of into the compost bin.

    Another nice thing about Indiana... no fire ants! Wouldn't know what to do if we did have them.

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens


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