Sunday, August 23, 2009


Someone named this Fall Obedient plant, Physostegia virginiata. I'm afraid these blooms will be long gone before there is a breath of fall in the air. Pretty flowers, all the same.


  1. My Obedient Plant is blooming now too. It does seem too soon. Hmmmm

  2. Hiya,
    Is that the plant where the individual florets turn in unison when you push them?
    BTW, I reposted the missing email on bindweed, just to make sure it reaches you :-)
    Hopefully that sorts it sufficiently to mend matters.

  3. Lisa- i have never noticed this plant blooming before but I have seen some splendid displays this year.
    Jo-I looked up the plant and sure enough it gets the name from the fact that if you push the flower it stays in place. What did I say about learning something every day. Thanks for re posting the comment. I'll reply later today.


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