Thursday, September 3, 2009


My cobrahead tool arrived last week and yesterday I took it out for its first outing. I am in the process of turning over the vegetable beds, getting ready for the fall planting. The tool made quick work of turning over the soil.

Next I moved on to the mulch areas. Over the summer this Texas hardwood mulch tends to cake and I am forever going round breaking it up. After all we may, one day, get some rain and I would like the rain to be able to penetrate through to the soil. I usually do the job with my small hand held garden fork. The cobrahead does the job in short order. I really like this tool.Thanks to Annaliese at Cobrahead for generously making everyone a winner on May Dreams blog.


  1. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I totally missed out on this...and now I see everyone enjoying their new tool! Bad blogger! Bad blogger!

  2. I'm glad you like it and were one of the winners! I love using mine for so many different types of digging and turning the soil.

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens


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