Tuesday, September 8, 2009


This past weekend it was the cactus and succulent show and I was determined not to miss it. Before he headed up to Dallas for the holiday weekend we stopped in at Zilker. It was crowded and a little disorganized on the payment front. I think they need a bigger venue. With all the interest in xeriscape plants, after this long hot summer, it isn't surprising.
I only want plants that are really hardy so choosing plants that grow in west Texas is best for this garden.

This cactus, labeled Texas fishhook is really a Texas barrel cactus, Ferocactus hamatacanthus, but because of the conspicuous central hooked spine it is often referred to as the giant fishhook cactus. ( It hooked my shirt as soon as I picked it up). The bonus was that it had a flower bud.

I also purchased a clump of Agave victoriae-reginae. I say clump because there were at least 6 offsets growing around the base. Seven plants for the price of one. Me all over.
So off we went to Dallas and the plants stayed in the back of the truck. On Sunday morning D went out to the truck and came inside with the flowering fishhook. The delicate yellow flowers just look like satin and still look good on Tuesday.
This morning I separated the agaves, which was not an easy job. For now they are in pots.

I'm not sure what this plant is. I thought it was an ice plant of some kind but maybe it is portulaca. I took a tiny snip from a mother plant somewhere. It flowers after 1 o'clock and is spreading all over my sunken garden.

It really is rather nice.


  1. Hi Jenny, it looks like you made some wise and beautiful choices The portulaca type thing has the most luscious bloom. It looks fabulous against the light background. Exciting about the oxblood lilies too. We bought some last year after seeing them on the Texas blogs and they are just now poking their heads up. Hooray!

  2. I just love the plant in the last photo, maybe a portulaca. It looks like it was made for running over rocks. Does it over winter? I sure wish you knew what it was so I would know what to ask for.

  3. I went to the Cactus and Succulent show first thing on Saturday morning. Like you I found it very crowded, but there were many beautiful plants. I was on the hunt for an Agave colorata, which I didn't find unfortunately.

    I've had a Queen Victoria agave for years, and it has never once offset though it has increased in size. I wonder if we have different varieties.

  4. I hope someone can identify the plant--I would love to get one! The flower color is luscious!

  5. I just found this same "portulaca" blooming on a mound in what I call my Thicket garden (used to be dump covered by a thicket). I think I planted some moss roses out there last year but they dried up and disappeared. I had them in a pot over the winter and thought they would do better outside. Can't remember where I got it - probably a big box store. It's beautiful.

    Barbara H.

  6. Back again - I wonder if it is a purslane? I had some of those, too, but don't remember if I planted any out there.

    Barbara H.

  7. If it is purslane it must be a new variety because the leaves are quite different from any I have seen before.


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