Saturday, September 12, 2009


Overnight we had nearly 2" of rain and it continues to rain this morning. It woke me up around 3:30am pounding on our metal roof. It is the third round of rain in just a few days and several plants have taken advantage of this.
A toadstool popped up in one of the succulent pots. Not so bad, but--

I'm not happy to see this one. Identified on ESP's blog as Euphorbia prostrata it is growing all over the place, especially in the granite but anywhere it can find a bare piece of ground.

Yesterday I filled a 5 gallon container and that was just from the granite pathway outside the vegetable garden. There will me more I am sure. I used my new cobrahead tool which did a great job. This plant produces a tap root which is fairly easy to pull.

The Texas cenizo, Leucophyllum, is flowering in response to earlier rainfall this week. I don't know what species this is as it was a seedling from a 'green cloud' which I moved round to the berm behind the pool. Too bad that this rain will have knocked off much of the bloom.

Everything is just dripping with rain. I'm off to see if there are any iris left at the Zilker sale.


  1. What an amazing rain we have had!
    I have been battling Spurge (Euphorbia prostrata) as well. Nasty stuff--easy enough to pull after the rain we have had--but so prolific--truly a weed. Hope you find some good buys at the Iris sale.

  2. Isn't this rain wonderful? Almost makes the spurge scourge worth it. It's really been responding to the rain, ugh. It's taken over my stone path.

  3. Yay for all the rain we've been having, but BOOOOO on the spurge! It's growing in every crack and crevice, and even started growing all over my decomposed granite paths. Bleh!

  4. It's good to see you got rain, Rock Rose - our slow, soaking rain finally started Friday morning and then it turned heavy poured yesterday - hope my garden responds as beautifully as yours has!

    That spurge looks familiar - think that's what is growing in the cracks where sidewalk and drive meet...thanks for the warning - cobrahead at the ready!

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  5. The solid purple is my favorite over the purple and white. Yours is just slightly ahead of mine in opening blossoms.

    Your questions about Cassia alata and Datura: I do grow the Datura from seed. It will return here, not always reliably. I've found that new plants grow much more vigorously.

    Cassia alata is annual here; it does not bloom until September. It is also seed grown. Both these plants make abundant seeds.


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