Saturday, January 23, 2010


Returning home after a month away, and and with all that cold weather, I was really nervous to pull into the driveway. Yes, much is lost but I have decided that I am not going to dwell on what can't be changed and look forward to a new year in the garden.

Imagine my delight, when this morning I spotted the first of the windflowers Anemone decapetala. This white one was just glowing in the morning sun.

And then a second one, this time one of my favorite blue flowers. These wildflowers are always the first to bloom, usually in February.

It won't be long before this viburnum is in bloom. The pink buds open to white flowers. The leathery leaves are evergreen which make it a good plant for winter structure.

I can't help myself. There was quite a bit of this but.....

underneath the soggy rotting leaves of this one in a pot, new life. Removing pups is no easy matter but I managed to deliver three decent ones. I don't care whether A. desmettiana is hardy, I love it and it pups so easily that there are always plenty of replacements. I believe I am partly responsible for their demise as I do water them. However, this year it really didn't matter because the temperatures dipped well below the 25 degree.

In fact well below the 20 degree label on this agave I bought in the fall. I thought it too late to be planting so I put it in the greenhouse. The photo paints better picture. This agave is sodden and has no hope of living.

I think this might be a good idea. Spotted on the campsite in west Texas.


  1. Oh my gosh! I love those anemones. Must have. Did you get them at the Wildflower Center sale? Pooh on frozen plants; I lost an A. celsii. But the ones that made it make it all up.

  2. I love those windflowers - the blue one is lovely. Sorry about your frozen plants though.

  3. Love these wild flowers. It made my day. Keep on posting some more blogs like this.

  4. Ha, now there's an agave that you can't kill! Your wind flowers are mighty pretty. Although I lost one of my A. desmettiana's, I'm not too worried because I know the one that was in the storeroom under lights will send up some more pups this year. But I do plan to replace the one I lost with one that I hope is hardier.

  5. Welcome back. Looks like there was good news, and bad news, in your garden. I hope there wasn't too much damage. Your garden is so pretty.

    But, with your incredible energy, things will looking good in no time.

  6. Lancashire rose - those windflowers must have brought a smile to your face. My A. desmettiana is total mush, but I'm afraid mine was too new and had no pups. I might get another in the hopes that we won't see weather quite THAT cold in a few years. Or, I could put it in a pot and haul it into the greenhouse for winter. I'm with you, it is so pretty and I love its structure. Can't wait to see your wildflowers start popping up soon.

  7. Annoying to lose the plants but it will be interesting to see how you choose to repair your beautiful garden. Looking forward to the details!

  8. Pretty cool yard art and beautiful wildflowers!

    I think the cold has a more detrimental effect than watering.


  9. wow, Jenny, I guess that means your greenhouse got below 20F. It was really cold here while you were vacationing. And I know you are in a very cold spot anyway. It would be interesting to find out what the lowest temp was in your yard. Mine got down to 10F. yikes!

  10. Hi RR.

    Loved that last image of the lesser known...agave 'pipeitus' and what great UT color! Not a big fan of garden art, but this one is intriguingly cool. I am right there with you on the plant-death front, it is the nature of our game...if it isn't the cold it can be a multitude of other things that can cause deterioration...that is part of the fun and the any life, it is always walking a fine line, and I agree, it is a new gardening year, hopefully one filled with less mosquitoes!


  11. Linda- The windflowers occur naturally on my lot. I have never seen them for sale at the WFC. They seed quite easily so I will be sure to save some for you when they go to seed.
    Jean- I also put one away in the garage and a small one in the potting shed which survived. With those and the pups I should keep them going. i also planted an A weberii last spring and was wold it was hardy. It has sustained so,e bad damage but ay live. It will never look the same.
    Robin- Well you are not too far away from me. I think you must be in that Oak Hill spot that always has a temperature 15 degrees below anywhere else.

  12. Almost had to peek through my fingers at this post, Jenny - it's been some winter!

    A similar little native anemone pops up here. The Wildflower Center site calls it Anemone berlandieri AKA Anemone heterophylla, but mine are just showing some leaves - no buds or flowers up here.

    The viburnum looks great!

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  13. Annie- I think the three names are interchangeable. You know how they are always revamping names but they still keep the old ones as well. The name came from my Texas Wildflowers book. Funny that there are actually more than 10 sepal/petals. I see lots of the leaves all over the garden and just know it is going to be a good year for them.


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