Tuesday, February 16, 2010


This morning, following a visit from old Jack last night, and with the promise of a warmer day ahead, I went out, camera in hand, to film foliage rather than flowers. My first visit with other gardeners to Digging's, Foliage Follow up Day.

One vegetable we will soon enjoy is the Napa cabbage, 'tenderheart'. It surprised me last year, when the rosette of leaves suddenly started to grow in an upright manner and within weeks a tight cabbage had formed. We ate it in salads, soups and stir fries. This cabbage didn't mind our 10 degree days at all.

This trio of golden barrel cacti have spent the last 5 years in a pot. They also made it through our terrible winter with no damage. This year I plan to put them in the ground. I will really work on providing the good drainage they need to cope with wet winters. They have survived in this shallow pot with a mixture of mostly gravel and sand.

Lace cactus, Echinocereus reichenbachii, have also found a happy home in the gravel of my front garden. They will bloom with amazing magenta flowers in the spring.

This A. parryi, which I purchased at the DBG in Phoenix, rounds out the cacti and succulents growing in the front garden.

Sedum potosinum, is one of several carpeting succulents which are tolerant of harsh winters. All are rather aggressive in their growth. This one blooms with delightful star shaped flowers in the late spring.

The frost tinged leaves of the California poppy, Eschlozia california, will soon be putting on their big display.

Mexican feather grass, Nassella tenuissima. This is a grass which grows in abundance among the gravel and granite. I always have plenty to share with other gardeners. Just a selection of the greens growing in my garden.


  1. aloha,

    i love your succulent photos and the icy foliage, lots of beautiful textures, colors and variations in your garden this morning.....thanks for posting this.

  2. I took my photos before this morning's frost. We were 19 this morning.

    It's warming up fast. Looks like we have a good gardening day.

  3. Fun post. I am so looking forward to the blooms of California poppies -- all poppies, in fact. Seedlings everywhere!

  4. Lovely pictures! What is the first plant?

  5. We ahd frost this morning too, but I am too cold-natured to take pictures of it:) The frost does add an extra dimension to the foliage though.

  6. Hi RR.

    Wonderful pictures by the way. I made the leap last year with my barrel cactus, they had been in pots for years before I took a deep transplanting breath and plopped them directly in the ground. I planted them into a mixture of decomposed granite mixed with pearlite and a blob of compost...so far so good. I reckon if they have survived this years cold and wet winter, they are set for life...(famous last words I know)!
    You hit on it seems all of my favorite plants in this post! I have been digging up teeny-tiny feather grasses this last week from my pathways, transplanting them to more appropriate locations. My goal is to completely surround all my pathways with them. Funny thing though, I have really bad luck with any I have cut back to the ground? Do you? I now just pull out the "grey" old growth by hand.

  7. Have to comment on ESP's comment about Mexican feathergrass. That's what I do with mine too--pull out dead pieces by hand, leaving the fresher growth.

    You always have such good pictures, Jenny. Your lace cactus is a beauty, as are your golden barrels. Thanks for participating.

  8. Rocks, roses--and great foliage! The frosted plants really let you know that it's definitely not August. Enjoy the leafy greens--they look ready to star in a salad right now.

  9. Noel- Thanks for dropping by. You are right, it really is about textures at this time of the year.
    Patchwork-19! I bet it was that over here too. Must replace my mini/max thermometer.
    NellJean- what would the spring garden be without poppies. I have so many of them coming up I need to pull a few out. Not a job I relish.
    Linda- It's just a bluebonnet with frost on the leaves.
    Melody- I don't like having the frost but it does look pretty on the leaves.
    ESP- Feather grass either gets pulled out or just the brown leaves removed- never cut back. I usually have more than enough to use in new locations. Same with the SA ruby crystals.
    Pam- You ave made me take a look at foliage. I know it isn't just about the flowers but sometimes the foliage doesn't get its moment in the limelight.
    Lostlandscapes- I'm thinking of that Asian salad for this week. Just wish I had planted more of it.

  10. Hello! Your pictures are absolutely beautiful! I especially like the lace cactus. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! :) My Johnnies reseed and I usually do have some blue ones, but the yellow ones seem to be the ones that I get most often. I look forward to seeing pictures of your California poppies blooming - I used to have those in California - and I'd like to see the magenta flower on the lace cactus!

  11. Hi there! Love your cactus photos! The Echinocereus reichenbachii are gorgeous! I am going to send my blogger pal, Claude over to have a look, since he always has his eye out for frost tolerant plants! He is in Texas also!!! I'm heading out to look at your blog further right now!!!

  12. Ruth and Julie- It is one of the highlights of the spring when the lace cactus blooms. I just wish the flower lasted for more than one day.


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