Monday, March 15, 2010


The ridiculously warm weekend, in Central Texas, opened up all the narcissi in one fell swoop. If only I knew their names. I was so careful to label this one but I should have used pencil instead of permanent marker. There was nothing permanent about it.

There are singles and frilly doubles and ones with peach colored centers.

This one is Daffodil 'chromacolor' I love it.

Tulip clusiana 'Lady Jane' is a species tulip which naturalizes well in Texas.

Tulipa saxatalis, also naturalizes well in the landscape.

The agaritas, Mahonia trifoliata, are slowly coming into bloom. Their sweet honey-like fragrance is a magnet for bees.

Here comes the first of the winecups, Callirhoe involucrata. Last year the flowers in this bed were pink, this year purple.

California poppy, Eschscholzia californica.

Larkspur, Consolida orientalis.

Yesterday the first summer snowflake, Leucojum aestivum, opened. Of course the temperature was 80 degrees." It's summer" they said.

and the first swallowtail visited the garden. He seems to like the stocks.

The windflowers, are usually finished blooming by now but there are more than ever this year. it's their year,
Thanks Carol for hosting another Garden Bloggers' Bloom day. Check out what is happening in gardens around the world by visiting Carol at Maydreams.


  1. You have so much going on in your garden right now! It is amazing how much more you have blooming than I do. I seem to be in a little micro-climate that is behind even fellow Round Rock gardeners. Loved seeing the Swallowtail in your garden they are so lovely. Amazing to see that you have naturalized tulips! Do you remember where you got them?

  2. Very interesting to see what is doing well in your rocky garden - mine probably has similar conditions (perhaps colder in winter) but I am encourgaed that the species tulips are doing so well with you. Mine do alright until the animals come and eat them. I have planted a lot more but fenced off this autumn and hope they will make it through. I must try Mahonia too.
    Happy springtime.

  3. I think Agarita is Berberis trifoliata

  4. Texas certainly has had its share of weather extremes in the last year or so. The flowers look great, however. Love the blue image following the orange!

  5. Those daffodils are gorgeous, Jenny, you have a nice selection. I've never seen a double one with so many petals as that first picture. Mine were planted a little late, and unfortunately it might get too hot this year too early for them to bloom well. Ce la vie, yes?
    Nice to see the poppies and larkspur, hope your garden recovers well from the stresses of the past year.

  6. You have some lovely blooms in your garden. I'll be glad when our borders are past the "construction stage" and I can begin filling them with blooming plants. That butterfly is gorgeous!

  7. I've never seen a daffodil as full as that first one! It's beautiful. You have a lot of wonderful flowers for Bloom Day. I especially love the tulips, stock and windflowers.

  8. How exiting that you have so many pretty blooms! Those tulips and daffodils look positively exotic. I'm completely smitten with your windflowers: is it something only available from the Wildflower Center?

  9. The daffs here are still tight buds. Seeing yours makes me anxious to see mine abloom. You have so many different things blooming. Your garden must make you very happy. Happy GBBD.

  10. Love your daffodils - they're my favorite spring bulb. I grow Chromacolor too - but they're only about 1" tall leaves at the moment! Happy Spring (summer??)

  11. Beautiful the poppies and the larkspur!

  12. Love those peachy daffs. Do they come back and bloom for you every year? I also love those naturalizing tulips. I can't believe you have swallowtails already! I wish I had more things blooming for those guys.

  13. Gorgeous, gorgeous. Seeing your winecups makes me hopeful -- I have some of that foliage in my wildflower bed right now. No blooms yet but warmer days are upon us. Happy GBBD!

  14. Morning glories- That's what I usually say about my garden- the coldest spot in Austin. It's amazing what a few warm days will do. I bought the bulbs at the Austin bulb show and High Country gardens.
    Yvonne- Thanks for visiting. Rocky limestone is what we have here and it isn't surprising to see the same plants growing in other parts of the world with the same alkaline soil. Yours may be one of these.
    Anon- thanks for reminding me that plants often have more than one name. This plant also goes by the name Berberis.
    Ms Wis- We sure have had some extremes and yesterday it poured rain all day.
    Get Grounded. I have so enjoyed the daffs this year I plan to put some more in next year.
    Jayne- The great thing about Texas is how quickly things grow. It won't be long before your borders are full.
    Sweet Bay- I love this full daff. too. Wish I could read the name tag.
    Ruth- Glad you enjoyed our Texas spring- Your;s will arrive soon.
    Iris- I think you would have to buy the seeds. Remind me an I will collect some for you. They are really late blooming this year.
    Lisa- It certainly does make me happy to see all those spring flowers. I know you will enjoy yours too.
    Garden Junkie- Aren't those chromacolors gorgeous. I hope they come back next year.
    garden goddess- Thanks for visiting my bloom day.
    Jean- I hope those daffs come back. It's the first year so I don't know but worth every penny even if they don't come back.It really surprised me when I saw the swallowtail.
    Caroline- The wine cups are like weeds this year. They are popping up all over the place.


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