Monday, September 27, 2010


It is inevitable that I spend more time in the back of the house. The sunken garden and the vegetable garden demand quite a bit of attention.

The front courtyard garden is less demanding. The dry creek and gravel lend themselves to lots of self sowing and that's just fine with me.

It is also a great place for cactus and succulents as the area is shaded from the hot afternoon sun.

This area in front of the dining room window was redone this spring. Blackfoot daisies almost carpet the area. Hundreds of seedlings appeared in the spring and I just let them be.

In one corner by the seating area I have an artichoke agave surrounded by zexmenia. It is rather aggressive in growth but a shearing now and again keeps it under control.

Now that the temperatures are moderating I think we will be spending more time sitting out enjoying the sounds of water from our repurposed 'lump' of concrete.


  1. What a cool water feature. I am so excited about the cool temperatures, and getting out in the garden and actually gardening, instead of just watering for survival. Your Blackfoot daisies are lovely.

  2. Love the concrete fountain, great idea! Everything looks lovely Jenny:-)

  3. Jenny, you do such a wonderful pairing of art! And the concrete fountain is one I still want, once the cats are gone! I understand how the back gets more attention, but every part of your garden is always a joy for me to see.

  4. Everything looks so orderly in your garden! I can't think of a single plant I'd love to have self-sow than the blackfoot daisy. It's just delightful and your growing carpet of it makes me smile. These cooler days and nights are making me want to be outside, too!

  5. I'm absolutely loving the cool temperatures too. I have spent quite a few hours outside the last few days.
    Ruth- Ah, but think of the positives, Frosty mornings, holly berries, a fire in the grate, apple pies and preparations for Christmas. A friend brought me suet and I am ready to make mincemeat. Just need a few of your apples.
    Conscious Gardener- Thank you much. I love that concrete fountain too and best of all it was free!!
    Linda- Ah yes, the cats would be after the birds. Rabbits are much kinder.
    Diana- It really is amazing how much they have seeded- along with a lot of weeds of course. I love this weather too.

  6. I've always loved blackfoot daisy. So easy and cheerful. Glad you all are getting some nice fall temps!

  7. You have such a nice balance of soft textured plants with your agaves. Is that a whale tongue agave? I've still yet to find one offered here in Houston.
    Everything looks terrific.'s cool here as well...yeah!
    David/ Tropical Texana/ Houston


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