Monday, September 13, 2010


I know, it's supposed to read "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts" Much as I longed to win a coconut when I went to the fair as a girl, I think I would rather have my bunch of pomegranates these days. The thought of all that delicious juice, so much better than that watery coconut juice. There is a bountiful harvest again this year, which will make it all the more difficult to pull out the tree!


  1. That tree really produces for you, year after year.

  2. Yum! Why would you need to pull it out?

  3. Patchwork and Tina Poe- It has been a good producer but I have never pruned it and now it has become too big for the space. I had great plans to prune it up this year but there was some damage to the center which leaves me with a difficult pruning job. I don't think I can save it. It is 12 years old and has been a good tree. This winter will be a good time to start a new tree and keep on top of the pruning.

  4. Wow, they look so tasty! I wish had your pomegranates. It's been years since I've had one. *drools*

  5. I've been craving a pomegranate tree for years! After reading this, I might just have to make this the year!


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