Monday, December 19, 2011


I have decided to name the Blue gilia, Gilia rigidula, flower of the year. Any flower that blooms multiple times during the year, can weather the infernal heat of this past summer, no water for months on end, tolerate a soil with little but eroded limestone and then after a gloomy December week of rain, drizzle and fog put forth some new buds deserves all the accolades I can give it. I'm not even waiting for the New Year's Honors list!
As soon as the sun comes out that little bud is going to pop open and look just as stunning as it did last spring.

The wildflower book is wrong when it says the bloom period is from March to October or maybe this is just another crazy upside down year.
I have never seen the seed or plants for sale but have been successful moving it from outside into my garden. It's a perfect plant for the sunken garden.


  1. What a beautiful little flower and so hardy to weather all that's been thrown at it this year.

    Definitely deserving of the award. I need that one here too.

  2. Wow! I wonder if it will grow in Houston. Anything that bloomed more than once this year deserves top honors. I must remember this one.
    The close up is gorgeous and with that white inner edging reminds me of the pink Prairie Sabatia (Sabatia campestre)
    David/ :-)

  3. Were you able to get some seed from the early blooms? It would be nice if you could collect some -- there seems to be very little information about this plant, and it looks like a winner!

  4. What a pretty flower! Love it! That is a new one for me. Very pretty. How about all this rain? Isn't it wonderful? Would have been nice to have seen some of it this summer... but you will not hear me complain about rain here.
    I am catching up on blogs today- I have not had a chance to get around and read blogs- love your indoor displays bringing nature inside. Nicely done!
    Have a great holiday season!!

  5. I think flower of the year is well deserved here. Love that color.

    The rain has been quite good to us. Slow and steady.

    There's some sun peeking out here today. Everything looks nice and clean. A bit chilly and windy, though.

    Stay warm...

  6. Beautiful and's a winner in my book :-)

  7. I found a source for the seed ( The seed company has a 5 packet minimum, so I need some other wildflower recommendations. Any thoughts?

  8. A beautiful flower!
    That is lovely blue

  9. Way cool! I've never seen it. Sounds like it would grow here.

    You said you've never seen seeds or plants for sale...would you consider sharing?

    Thanks for your thoughtful comment at Hill Country Mysteries about Max.

    Hope you have a lovely holiday season.

  10. Goodness jenny, that is one fantastic blue flower! We have a little native annual that is impossible to find in the trade...a Colinsea. But, when ever I find one in my garden I make sure to save seeds and move it where I want to keep it safe. Gail

  11. What a gorgeous flower! On a tough plant. I always get so many ideas from you. Happy New Year to you and David!

  12. Why don't I have that flower???? I must find it!


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