Monday, March 26, 2012


Sunday morning, we were having garden visitors and I was doing some tidying up. Once in a while it is good to remove the pots, rake, wheelbarrow, stray plants, gloves, multiple pairs of shoes and all manner of other paraphernalia I leave around the garden. When all is cleared away I wonder why I can't keep it looking this way all the time. But I can't.
So, the sun was already over the tree tops by the time I had finished and before I decided to get my camera out. The sunken garden was still in shadow and even though the poppies were still closed there was plenty of color.

Those tall spikes in the potager are Verbena bonariensis. I have often wondered how, in English gardens, those spires buried in among other plants in the herbaceous borders, reach such dizzying heights. Now I think it is a result of a milder winter like the one we just had. That crop of plants, bluebonnets, blanket flowers and verbena are all growing between the pavers. They look so pretty I don't have the heart to pull them out.

 I have pulled out bucket loads of bluebonnets this week. A few came into the house. They actually last quite a long time; probably glad to get away from all the overcrowding. Many came out of the English garden where it is now possible to see the stepping stones. But most came out of the front courtyard.

 It hardly look as though I have made a dent in the population.

In this one corner, which we created last year, bluebonnets came from no where. The corner receives little sunshine so when the rain came they flopped  and failed to recover. I feel much happier now that I can see the creek again.
No bluebonnets in the front garden next year. I distinctly remember uttering those words a few years ago.


  1. Gorgeous! Love the morning light in the garden. How nice to be able to walk along all those beautiful blooms.

    1. Yes , morning light is perfect for capturing the garden.All the colors seem so clear. I sat among the bluebonnets yesterday and the smell was intoxicating. I felt drugged.

  2. That was a perfect morning for your garden photos which look beautiful as always. The bluebonnet seeds do find their way into the shade here too. The front garden looks very nice and as if it's been there much longer.

    1. I think they would have been OK but for all the rain made them really stretch.

  3. That morning light is so pretty in your garden.
    We had fog and clouds here, until late in the morning.

    Your garden is just beautiful.

    1. Yes, I was surprised to wake up to clear skies as the day before was really foggy.

  4. If I ever come down for a visit, you'll need to clear space for a sleeping bag because I won't want to leave that garden for a minute!

    Sometimes pulling out even wonderful plants makes things better. It's hard to remember that sometimes, but I'm getting better about it.

    1. I agree. I am always surprised when I clear things away that I actually like the neater garden.

  5. you can almost hear the tall verbena growing. one minute it's a foot tall and scrubby, the next it's as tall as you and reaching higher! beautiful, as always Jenny. Can not WAIT to see it in person next month!

  6. The effect of moisture plus less of the death star...amazingly lush. My morning in the tension of leaving for home, etc has just been cheered up w/ your flowery scenes.

  7. Yes, indeed, the garden in beautiful--in morning light and beyond!

  8. So gorgeous...those Iris in the first picture positively GLOW! I'm awful at pulling volunteer seedlings, but, unfortunately, just have to bite the bullet this year...I'll try my best to find them good homes elsewhere :-)

  9. Very interested in the verbena. Strange as most varieties creep not leap.

  10. I love what you said about all the garden paraphernalia. I have stuff everywhere as well. I'll clean it all up from time to time, but it always seems to find it's way back.


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