Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Yesterday I made a promise to myself. If the storm brings no rain to my garden, then I will start removing the bluebonnets. They were starting to fade and no longer looking their best. I knew I couldn't wait until they set seed. Pretty as they are and the wonderful fragrance that they bring when en masse, I just can't let them grow in here any more.

So, when no rain came, true to my promise, I began pulling. It was refreshing to be out there with clear air and blue skies. A change from those sticky, humid mornings.

I removed most of the bluebonnets, much to the relief of the plants growing beneath and, at 10:30 am left for the day. Who could imagine that pulling out so many plants would make me feel a whole lot better about my garden. It did. I feel as though I have gained back control. I can see the rocks again!

It was such a pretty evening that I couldn't resist getting out with the camera.

Now I just have to decide whether to let this pokeweed to continue growing.


  1. So serene.

    Why is it every time I pull out the poke weed it comes right back. (I know the answer but I still like to ask), anyway I pulled mine yesterday.

  2. That does look better. As much as I love Bluebonnets, I would not want them smothering my perennials. I wish they would smother the weeds that grow among them. I will collect the seeds and sow them along the fence in the fall.

  3. Very pretty before. Gorgeous after.

  4. I must say, it does look better. You still have LOTS of things blooming.

  5. As much as I love bluebonnets, I can see it really does look better now. You are ever the inspiration to me! I would like to award you with the Liebster Blog award. Should you choose to accept, you can find out more about the award on my blog here:

  6. Gorgeous, with or without bluebonnets! Hey, I'm headed to Austin tomorrow & would love to bring you some Crocosmia/Montbretia. E-mail me!

  7. I think the first time I read you blog, perhaps 3 years ago, you were pulling plants then, too. I was a little aghast and had a hard time imagining that it would really make things better. But you are so right! It really does help. Maybe it's because the bones of your garden are so absolutely beautiful it's nice to see them again.

    Barbara H.

  8. A tough decision, but successful
    Your garden, as always, beautiful!

  9. What beautiful pictures you take !! I love the look of your garden. It gives me hope for my yard that has hardly no grass because of almost continual shade from huge oak trees and pines around my house. I have plenty of weeds though and so it gives a green grass effect LOL !! Will be following your blog from now on !!

  10. I'm with the above commenters: your garden looks wonderful with or without the mass of bluebonnets, but a little breathing space is a nice thing. What a dream it must be to have morning tea or coffee in your garden!

  11. Replies
    1. You are right Les. I am am going to fight it this morning.

  12. As others have said above, you really have a gorgeous garden, it looks as though it's bursting at the seems with flowers and wildlife.


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