Thursday, January 31, 2013


Last night, at 10pm., when the outside temperature dropped to 34°, I went out with the scissors and cut the blooms on the iris.

Sometimes I am reluctant to cut blooms like this but not when I think they will be killed by frost. The added bonus is this incredible peach fragrance. I could smell it as soon as I walked in the room this morning.


  1. mmmmm, peachy! Lucky you "had" to cut them.

  2. They are gorgeous and peach is a favorite of mine. I love having flowers in the house.

    So far I haven't had any out of phase blooms but some things like duranta never quit blooming this year.

  3. They're lovely flowers. What a bonus that they also have a gorgeous perfume to fill the room.

  4. That's the nice thing about growing flowers in your garden, their always there if you want to pick a few to bring indoors, can just imagine the fragrance.

  5. Wow! What a beautiful photo to see on this frost morning in New England.
    The colors of the flowers and vase are perfect. Well done

    1. Thanks Maywyn. Sometimes things just happen by chance and this was one.

  6. I love iris. And, strangely, I only have one.
    My mother used to grow them. The scent always makes me think of her, and Easter.

    By the way...on my moon photo, I didn't use a tripod. I was lucky to get such a clear shot. I never can seem to get one at night. Maybe I'm steadier, first thing in the morning.

    Have a great weekend. The weather's supposed to stay nice. Although rain would make a wonderful day, too.

  7. I was surprised to see a mass of a similarly colored peach iris in full bloom in my neighbor's yard. My own bearded iris - most of them shades of blue and purple - are still a long way from bloom. We're getting cold-to-warm temperature fluctuations here in Southern California too so perhaps there's something in the cold nights and warm days that gives that peach variety an early boost.

  8. I would have done the same! I love the Iris, but unfortunately, all of ours have passed away due to a soil borne disease.
    BTW: I agree with you about the changes in our winters. The warming trends make for such high evaporation rates every month that it is not a fair trade off at all. I'd prefer cooler (normal) winters when I think about it globally. Hope we can all figure this out in the years to come.


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