Thursday, October 27, 2016


Yesterday I went out to buy some vegs for the winter garden. Because I like to buy them in 6 packs, for economy, I went to one of the big box stores. I thought I might pick up some 6 packs of winter annuals too. I was surprised to see half the area empty of plants. No vegs. and no 6 packs of annuals. Ah! Those empty shelves mean one thing, getting ready to bring in Christmas trees. Was I too busy getting ready for last week's event in my garden or was it the unusually warm temperatures that had me thinking I still had plenty of time to shop and plant for winter.
Even the garden is still full of color leading one to believe that summer is far from over. Then, this morning there was a slight mist on the cooler air and it just felt a little like fall.

And all the butterflies flitting around in the sunshine are a sign that the end of this season is upon us.

Here's another sign of the season. I cut back the huge gomphrena plant above the sunken garden. Beneath, it looks as though a hispid cotton rat, Sigmodon hispidus, has been busy getting his seeds together for winter. They must have incredible patience to get out those tiny seeds from their fluffy casing. I never bother, just saving the dried flower head and breaking it up and seeding directly in the garden next summer.

It is to be another week of near record temperatures. Already by noon it feels to warm to be out in the garden other than sitting in the shade. Maybe, I'll postpone transplanting those arugula seedlings until tomorrow. I'll take my lunch outside with my new book, The Bold Dry Garden, and do some day dreaming about the new garden area we started at the weekend.


  1. Looking at the photos of your garden, it's hard to believe that it's the end of the season. The garden center clear-out in preparation for Christmas always comes as a surprise to me also.

  2. A new garden area sounds like work but it will be nice to follow. It still seems too hot to plant winter vegs, all the stores are looking cleared out now but you would think they'd keep some current sales since it's still three weeks to tree time.

  3. A new garden area? How do you keep up?
    Your garden looks beautiful, as usual.


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