Tuesday, April 3, 2018


I love growing things from seeds. There is nothing quite so uplifting as seeing those first seed leaves poking through the ground. It has always been a favorite winter pastime, first looking thought seed catalogues and then setting up seed growing areas-usually in the house. I treated myself to some grow light stations this year which found a home in the laundry room. Both greenhouse and potting shed were full to bursting with overwintering plants so my gardening has moved into the house.

In the past trying to seed cosmos directly in the ground has met with failure. They just never appear or maybe they appear overnight and are munched by snails and pill bugs. So this year wooed by the pretty photos on the seed packet I decided to try them inside. And I am thrilled with my success, not just the fact that they are flowering but that the illustration on the seed packet was fulfilled. Take look.

It's only spring right now so we'll if they bloom summer to fall.


  1. Beautiful. I love cosmos, too. And they just keep popping back up all year long. One round finishes and the next one is already sprouting back up!

  2. I love that double white one! I'm curious to see how long they bloom for you. I've only seen the orange ones do well here, and assumed that the other colors just didn't grow here because I never had luck with seeds.

  3. You may have convinced me to drag my own smaller-scale seed starting system out of the closet. My seed packets are piled up, waiting for space to free up in my cutting garden, but that's pushing the schedule out further than I'd like. Moreover, as the bunnies have found my garden, I need new strategies to outwit them.

  4. Beautiful photos, Jenny, and the colors look perfect for your garden. You've convinced me to try these again.

  5. How beautiful! I love cosmos, and thankfully they seed themselves around and come up every year in my garden. I might start some new Cosmo varieties indoors this year, too, though, so that they bloom earlier!

  6. They are my favorite flower. I love their foliage. Did not know I could grow them in Austin.

  7. Beautiful pictures.
    I loved meeting your flowers.


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