Saturday, January 1, 2011


Once the New Year begins the gardeners' thoughts, quite naturally, turn to the months ahead and the arrival of a new growing season. For us, in central Texas, it begins early. We anxiously look for bud formation and green shoots making their presence known. One of the earliest bloomers here will be the viburnum, 'Spring Bouquet" At least there was one spring bloomer which didn't try to bloom in the fall.

Unlike this iris, which paid the price by blooming in December! I don't know if it was damaged by frost before the rain came a week ago, because we left Austin at the beginning of December, only returning 3 days ago. I seem to chose the worst time to abandon my garden. This time it wasn't the icy spell of last year but a lack of rain.
It's great to be home and I can't wait to get 'stuck in' again. There's plenty to keep me busy and burn off those extra Christmas pounds.
Happy New Year and may your garden bring you much happiness in 2011.


  1. Hello jenny,

    I wish you a very happy new year!!! And a healthy and happy,and above all, a very creative 2011!

    Lieve groetjes van Thea

  2. Happy New Year Jenny! I just saw some bluebonnet sprouts yesterday - yippee!

  3. Hope you have a wonderful 2011 Jen! Love the blooms on that viburnum.

  4. Happy New Year Jenny, wishing you a wonderful 2011.

  5. Welcome home, and Happy New Year.

    Here's hoping for a healthy, happy and a bit wetter 2011.


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