You know how much I like to find a bargain at a garage sale. We stopped by only one garage sale last weekend and it turned out to be my lucky day. There is nothing like an out of town move to make you reconsider all those $ per lb. items and hold a garage sale. Tucked in the corner of the driveway I saw some large ceramic pots. "Are the pots for sale?" I asked, hopefully. They were and I chose the one I knew would go well with my garden color scheme. $10. Now that's a bargain.
I had overwintered a Brugmansia in the garage and recently moved it outside by the garden entry. For the last few days it had been looking a little sick with yellowing leaves. I suspected it might be pot bound. The new pot would be just perfect. It took the two of us to wrestle it out of the old pot and get it situated in the new pot. It was seriously pot bound.
It is now back in its corner by the cactus theatre and is a handy perch for the Carolina wrens who are nesting in the lower right-hand corner.
Too Early, Then Right on Time
13 hours ago