Arriving the previous night at our B&B on the Pembrokeshire coast, we were to learn the true meaning of being 'farmed out' It seems, despite our booking, because we were only staying for one night, we were to be 'farmed out' to a relative a couple of miles away. Although the accommodation was not really 'up to scratch' I have to say our hostess was delightful. She didn't mind at all the early breakfast at 6:30am and even went so far as to make us a packed lunch.

Destination Skomer Island, to view the puffins. We couldn't have picked a more perfect day. It made the wait for tickets down at the cove all the more tolerable.

This is the scene that met us when we arrived at 7:30 am hoping to get on the first ferry at 9:30am. Knowing full well that each trip across to the island would only take 50 people, it seemed pretty unlikely that we would be getting on that first ferry. By the time our turn for tickets came we found ourselves with tickets for the second ferry of the day at 10am. (There is a limit to the numbers of people they allow on the island to protect the nesting birds.) In the meantime we took a hike across the headland.

and beautiful it was. I photographed the flowers growing in what normally is a very harsh climate.


Sea pinks.

Here's our boat arriving. Make no mistake fitting 50 people onto this boat was a squash. As we neared the island we started to see puffins flying out to catch the small eels and fish they feed to their waiting young.

Taking the steps up to the cliff top where we were greeted by representative of the Wildlife Trust who briefed us on what to expect, where to go and what to see.

We then headed out on the trail.We took the route towards the Wick. We were here to see puffins!

The cliff top was a sea of red campion and bluebells.

We knew we had arrived at the spot when we saw this group ahead. The puffins were nesting in holes in the ground just above the edge of the cliff.

This one had just landed and was waiting to go down into its hole.
Our visit was short but we saw what we came to see. Now we must get back tot he mainland and get on the road to Worcester. We had dinner plans with the friends with whom we were staying.

With long summer days we arrived in time to enjoy the late afternoon sun in the garden with a glass of wine and good friends. It was the end to a perfect summer's day in England.

Tomorrow more National Trust gardens in their area.