I was surprised....... by flower on the crinum lily, Crinum procerum 'splendens' in my water garden.
I emptied......... the three outside water tanks, filled the rain barrels in the garden and watered all the plants. It's going to rain this weekend!
I watered.... the flowers growing between the pavers in the potager.
I collected.....seeds from the red spider zinnia.
I potted up.......snapdragons and violas from their 6 packs into 4" pots. They will spend a couple of weeks in the greenhouse until they have made new roots, making them easier to transplant.
I noted.......that the wonderful, fragrant Felicia might need a trellis on which to twine next year.
I jumped over...... the narrow leaf zinnias growing in the pathways between the vegetable beds.
I decided........ that the Philippine violet was at the peak of its bloom.
I resolved ..... to thin the baby pak choi for tomorrow evenings dinner.
I gave.... the Aloe marlothii a new pot.
It is so happy.
I realized....... that it is time to take lots of cuttings to save for next year.
I did a lot of other things too. Like tackling the fire ant problem and weeding and sowing but the fun bit is always just walking around with the camera.
What did you do today?
Too Early, Then Right on Time
13 hours ago