We talked for years about taking the trailer and heading to Idaho to see the eclipse. We didn't go. We had to make do with a 65.3% It started at 11:41am and finished at 2:39pm, the peak covering being at 1:10pm. I had my paper plates ready just as I did in 1959 in England but I wish I had made the effort to get the glasses. I will for the 2024 show which will be right here in Texas.
Instead, I made do with watching it on TV
Our 63.3% had a small effect on the light and it certainly made for a cooler day, for which I was grateful. In my own garden the moon kissed the sun. This is one of the new ones I found this summer.
And what a perfect opportunity to mention the other new suns and moons that I picked up this summer. It has become a bit of a hunt for me when I travel and because I prefer them to be clay-colored. Europe seems to be a really good source.
In Taormina, Sicily, I spied this happy little sun.
And this windy little chap.
And I found these in a charming little shop which sold nothing but clay in Slovenia. They are really ornaments so quite a bit smaller than some.
Then there was the sundial in Korkula. We literally had to beg the man to sell it to us. He didn't want to because it was missing its gnomon. We said we didn't care about that but still he wouldn't sell it to us. But after further begging he said he would sell it at half the price. Who could argue with that? It will go above the Sun and Moon Archway.
They now have found a new home on the Sun and Moon Archway.
And if you're wondering how come we went so so may places in Europe-we were on a cruise ship that took us there.
Too Early, Then Right on Time
14 hours ago