On our way to Seattle this summer we pulled into Cherry Creek State Park for the weekend. We wanted to pay a return visit to the Denver Botanic Gardens. This has to be one of the most beautiful gardens in the country-and very well funded, as you will see later.
You can imagine that the gardens were quite busy on a summer Saturday. In fact a wedding was about to take place in my favorite garden so I could only sneak a quick picture under the ropes. The Romantic Garden at Denver was designed by Lauren Springer Ogden.
I think Denver is such a favorite of mine because of the many garden rooms. Step from one and you find yourself in another completely different garden.

The herb garden.
I don't even remember this one from 2 years ago. The sundial garden.
The Scripture garden
Henry Moore has been replaced with sculptures more fitting to the South Western scene. Here, Dance of the Mountain Spirits by Allan Houser (1919-1994).
Mother natures own art work in this Lacebark pine,
Pinus bungeata.
Spirit of the Mountains.
Simple hand made troughs in the rock garden.
Warm Springs Apache Man.
And my favorite one of all. A Navajo shepherdess tending her sheep in Homeward Bound.
Maybe we missed this garden the last time we were here. What a wonderful idea for a courtyard garden. Variously sized pavers set in decomposed granite with hypertuffa troughs. What could be more simple.
Of course it helps to have a fine piece of sculpture as a center piece.
Prayer Song.
The day lily garden.
Ramada with penstemons.
A palate of soft pinks and rusts.
Dreaming of growing plants like this in my rock wall.
The hell strip.
Two pots of
A. desmettiana flanking a citrus with underplanting of herbs. Good idea!
Alpinia 'Singapore Gold' in the tropical house.
A breakdown of the costs of the ongoing and completed projects, Quite a budget and many paid for with bonds.
The only disappointment was to finally get to see the Mordecai Children's Garden in completion. Not at all a children's garden in my opinion.
There is so much more to see. A must for everyone who visits Denver.